The Buzz with ACT-IAC

From the Archives: The Roots of Government CX with Dan Tangherlini

Episode 138

This week, The Buzz presents a session from our archives.

The concept of customer experience has driven business decisions in private industry for some time, but it's only in the last decade that CX, or citizen service, has become a focus of government. 

The creation of in 2013 heralded a new era in government, one marked by an interest in the lessons learned from tech start-ups and the relationship between IT systems, government processes and the people that use them. In this fireside chat from ACT-IAC's 2014 Executive Leadership Conference, we see the beginning stages of an ongoing conversation that continues to evolve to this day. 

Dan Tangherlini, then General Administrator of the GSA, discussed all this and more with Evan Burfield, entrepreneur, author and civic tech enthusiast.  

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Intro/Outro Music: Focal Point/Young Community
Courtesy of Epidemic Sound